Monday, July 9, 2012


"If you don't STAND UP for what you believe in, you will FALL for anything!"  ~unknown

A very wise young girl lived her life this way.  When God called her to Himself at the young age of 15, she was not afraid for she had spent her whole life LIVING what she BELIEVED!  Needless to say, this young lady has been a huge inspiration to me.   In that instant, I vowed that I would LIVE what I BELIEVE!  Only one problem:  WHAT EXACTLY DO I BELIEVE?

Yes, that has been a huge question in my heart for a very long time...  I have two things hindering progression in this area of my progression:  everything has to be LOGICAL and I SECOND-GUESS everything...  While both issues have their proper place, in this case they do not...  So let me start at the beginning of trying to figure out WHAT EXACTLY I DO BELIEVE!


I believe in ONE God in THREE DIVINE PERSONS.  I believe it is a mystery I will never truly understand (and that's ok in this case).  When others talk about MULTIPLE gods I don't NEGATE the possibility but rather view them as Aspects of the ONE God I worship.  Haven't figured out exactly what to do with that point quite yet - so I will leave it at that momentarily. 


I love Catholicism.  Really I do...  Rather I think I love the person they bring out in me:  a person of reverence, joy, and pure Love of God.  Even so, I have had experiences that have led me to believe that there is MORE that the Church isn't teaching and/or have squashed.   I also don't appreciate Catholics hyjacking Pagan Feast-days - yes for their OWN purposes.  That will always strike a wrong chord with me.  For a Church that believes in Integrity and such, stealing something from elsewhere with the purpose of forced conversion in mind is just wrong.  True conversion isn't something that is forced....  Teaching is one thing; forcefully teaching is another....  Have I even begun to really understand some of the teachings - NO and I am more or less a Cradle-Catholic.  I guess everything happens in due time.   So the search continues...


Pagans are honestly amongst the most free people on the planet.  They are NOT afraid to tell anyone who it is.  Those in their Circle, are filled with Perfect Love and Perfect Trust = No Judgements Passed.  No one will tell anyone what to do or how to do it, simply because it is each individual's path to walk and what they do will help teach and guide them on that path.  (at least that is how I understand it).   Looking into Paganism has been an interesting journey.  There is so much...  But even so, again there is one unsettling thing (amongst others of course) that make me rethink:  How does it make me feel?  In some ways I feel like fleeing to the hills..  LOL  Other aspects make me want to seriously look into it - such as the freedom aspect.  But then I get yanked back into the reality that morals aren't a question with Pagans really.  (whoever reads this and are Pagan, I'm sorry this is simply my take from what I have witnessed so far)  Pagans make the BEST friends to have because they are very very very LOYAL.  However, don't make one too angry because they can be pretty bad enemies too...    I don't appreciate the bad language - after a while it becomes very disheartening.   Certain things should remain in Sacred Secrecy (as in  Sex Practices).  It is things like these that do NOT uplift me to be a better person at all.  Which brings me to the Mormons.........


I love Mormons....  I really do.  I love them so much I married one.  :)  If you look at the LDS belief system as a whole, you will notice that it somehow embodies parts of EVERY belief system.  In some ways I think that is a very beautiful thing...  In other ways, it kinda scares me - because the logical side of me says that NOT everything can be RIGHT.  Flip that around and ask the question again:  WHY NOT?  after all ALL religion originated from the dawn of CREATION practically.  God told us what is important for our salvation since the very beginning...  obviously NOT everything was written down.  Hence anyone who says "well it's not in the Bible" is not exactly thinking accurately.  NOT EVERYTHING will be in the BIBLE.  Hence why the Catholics have it right to set their beliefs on 3 things:  Scripture, Tradition, and Revelation.    So why is so hard to believe that the LDS may have it right?  back to the impressions question:  I feel very much at home around LDS folks.  They do inspire me to be a better person!  They are outstanding cooks, amazing hosts/hostesses, they have inspirational programs for the children,  they are (for the most part) very non-judgemental people.    Need I mention, they have a modesty code?  absolutely, modest dress, modest actions, modest speech!  how is that NOT a good sign.  After all, I have often heard it said, "by their fruits you shall know them" - last I checked their fruits are pretty Christ-like.   


For me, I guess, it is rather a debate between Catholic and LDS....  Both series of doctrines have been around for ages...  (anyone who really studies LDS beliefs will understand that very very little of it is actually newly revealed doctrine).   And most-often Interpretation is EVERYTHING.  If you interpret something one way - then you are right;  if you interpret it a different way - then the other side is right....    But going between Catholic and LDS Doctrines will be for a whole different several Entries.  :)
Just had to add this image!  It is awesome!  LOL


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